Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Assalamualaikum & salaam sayang :)

Hope all of you are well..I came across this post in Tumblr and couldn't resist sharing it with all of you. As a matter of fact, I actually wrote a post similar to this 2 years ago - sharing my thoughts about what constitutes a 'good friend'...

"What defines a best friend? What are the requirements to be a good best friend? How many hours a week does it entail? Stupid questions that have no answers. A best friend is not defined by how many times they talk on the phone, or how many hours they hang out together. It is not defined by how many sleepovers they gossip at, or how many inside jokes they have. There are no requirements or laws that state that a good best friend must hang out with them every weekend, or tell each other every little detail. A best friend is a matter of opinion. It is the person who has been there for you through everything, not just through the fun things, or the little things. It is the person that you call when you are at your absolute worst, it is the person who saves you when you didn’t even notice that you needed saving, mostly it is the person who accepts you for who you are, and the person that you are becoming.."

There are a looooot of opinions and thoughts shared on what makes a friend --> a 'good/best friend'...personally I think in any form of relationship, there should always be give and take; plenty of forgiveness and yes, patience too. None of us are perfect, hence, we need to make allowances once in awhile for the imperfection that our friends (and that includes ours too) have..with that in mind, always try to surround yourself with friends that can motivate/inspire you to be a better person. And try to be the person that can motivate/inspire someone else too; because ultimately the intention of being in a relationship is to make each of you happier, wiser and grow into more beautiful people than you were before *insyaAllah* :)

That said, when you befriend someone, always have this in mind; 'Don't set certain expectations/requirements that he/she should have', and 'Accept them for who they are and who they're not'.

I listed all of the above because when you start having certain expectations or requirements in your relationship/friendship, you're just setting yourself up for disappointment. Us humans, we're not perfect. We sometimes make promises that we can't keep. We sometimes lie to keep others happy. Setting expectations/requirements evidently restricts your relationship/friendship with someone from 'growing'.

Neither friendship nor relationship can be control. It's not something that you can maneuver. It's an invisible bond that is bind by chemistry. It's either you have 'it' or you don't. Trust, patience, loyalty then comes next after you've realized that he/she understands you and can be someone that you can rely on. Some friends in fact understands you better than others.

Some friends are so easy to talk to, you can tell them aaaaall of your secrets, while others may be the kind of friends that you avoid from sharing too much details with. Doesn't make them less of a friend, though, don't you think?

Ultimately to me, what matters in a relationship/friendship is the fulfillment that you get from having someone that you can call a friend and rely on. The joy of having a companion that will not only share all your laughters, but your pain too. And last but not least, berkawan biar ikhlas. When you have good intentions, InsyaAllah your friendship will always be protected by HIM from conflict, turmoil and misunderstandings. Ameen.

Much love,


p.s. Excuse my way of writing in the previous post if you may; it was a personal one as you can see and I was just explaining things the way I see it at the moment. Prolly not my best post, but it was just me expressing my two cents on an 'issue' that I felt was getting out-of-hand... :)

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