Saturday, August 27, 2011

Kerana Wanita Ingin Di Mengerti ♥

Salaam sayang... :)

One of my fave songs...dedicated to all the women in the world! Hope you'll all have a blessed weekend loves! May HE bless us all, insyaAllah... ♥ :)

"...bintang terang, itulah dirimu..." ---> so never think otherwise, owkay? :)

* * * * *

♥ Ketika wanita menangis,
Itu bukan bererti dia sedang mengeluarkan senjata terampuhnya,
Melainkan bererti dia sedang mengeluarkan senjata terakhirnya...

Ketika wanita menangis,
Itu bukan bererti dia tidak berusaha menahannya,
Melainkan kerana pertahanannya sudah tidak mampu lagi membendung air matanya...

Ketika wanita menangis,
Itu bukan kerana dia ingin terlihat lemah,
Melainkan kerana dia sudah tidak sanggup berpura-pura kuat... ♥

A woman is special, created from Adam's ribs; not created from his head to top him, nor his feet to be stepped upon. She was made from his side to be close to him, from beneath his arm to be protected by him and near his heart to be loved by him. So treat her gently and love her dearly, for she is a strong yet delicate soul; and truly, the best of you men are the ones who are just and gentle with those around you... :)

Much love,



  1. Thanks dear :)
    Sorry for the late reply, just noticed your comment on this post! Hope you've had a wonderful and blessed celebration with your loved ones so far! *huGs* :))
