Saturday, August 27, 2011

Senyumlah Wahai Kawanku... :)


I hope all of you are well, insyaAllah. I don't know about you, but I am still in disbelief that in three days' time, us Muslims would be celebrating Eid-ul Fitr. Ya Allah, how time flies! +_+

Regardless, I sincerely hope that Ramadhan's been treating you kind and that it has blessed you and your loved ones with plenty of barrakat and joy, insyaAllah. The month of Syawal is gonna arrive soon; hence I hope it would help strengthen our relationship with our loved ones and blessed us all with more love, patience and joy, Ameen. :)

* * * * *

I know it's hard to smile when we're facing a tough battle; but even our beloved Prophet SAW could smile when he is tested with hardships that is even bigger than ours...then why can't we braved ourselves and try to smile..? :)

Senyumlah wahai kawanku, Kesatlah air matamu dan senyumlah kerana
Setiap ujian yang diturunkan pasti bersebab dan mempunyai seribu satu hikmah yang tersirat disebaliknya...
Masakan Allah menguji dirimu sekiranya DIA tidak percaya bawaha engkau mampu mengatasinya,
Masakan DIA menguji dirimu sekiranya DIA tidak menyayangimu..
Kerna sayanglah, DIA tiap kali menguji dirimu; supaya engkau tidak leka, supaya engkau sentiasa mengingatiNYA
Maka tabahkanlah hatimu, dan kuatkanlah dirimu
Agar engkau lebih sabar mengharungi segala dugaanNya
Agar engkau lebih redha untuk menghadapi semua perancangan yang telah ditetapkan olehNYA,
Kerana percayalah sesungguhnya, kita manusia hanya boleh merancang, tetapi DIAlah yang berkuasa untuk menentukannya...
Maka senyumlah kawanku, kerana percayalah DIA sememangnya amat menyayangi dirimu... <3

Always have faith that HE 'blessed' you with plenty of obstacles and challenges because HE loves you. If you see Allah, Mighty and Magnificent, holding back this world from you, frequently trying you with adversity and tribulation, do kn
ow that you hold a great status with HIM. Know that he is dealing with you as HE does with HIS ‘Awliya and chosen elite, and is watching over you.

"So wait steadfastly for the judgement of your Lord - you are certainly before our eyes..." [Surah At-Tur; 52:48]

So my friends; everytime you are faced with an obstacle that is burdening you - try to smile; because that means HE loves you and cares for you..and that also means, HE remembers you..and wants you to remember HIM too.. <3

Much love,

Salaam... :)


  1. sedang bersedu-sedan dan berasa sebal di hati tanpa diketahui sesiapa..thanx:-)ayat2 awk sikit sebnyak menyedarkan sy.

  2. You're welcome my's my pleasure. Saya harap sedikit sebanyak ayat2 saya dapat memberi motivasi pada awak to feel a LOT better, insyaAllah. Yang baik dariNYA, selainnya adalah dari saya *huGs* :)
