Thursday, October 16, 2014


then, she began to breathe, and live, and every moment took her to a place where goodbyes were hard to come by. she was in love, but not in love with someone or something, she was in love with her life. and for the first time, in a long time, everything was inspiring.

r.m. drake

Salaam *smiles*

It has definitely been a long time since I last pen my thoughts in this rusty dear old blog of mine. Just wanted to let you know that I'm still alive and breathing *Alhamdulillah*. That I've grown into (what I hope) a much more matured, better person. That everything that I have in my life now is the outcome of decisions made (both good + bad) in the past two years of my life.

And so far, I could not have been happier and more at peace with myself and the life that I've led. *Alhamdulillah* 

I've missed writing. Words has and will always be, a therapeutic way for me to express my emotions. Here's to hoping that I'll be more consistent in sharing my thoughts in this blog.

Till then, toujours l'amour 

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